Mag 4 |
art gallery - urban installation, human reconstruction - ricostruzione umana, museum - allestimento museale, plastic art - visual art, scenography - scenografia |
PlastikArtStudio |
Commenti disabilitati su “Persephone C” (alias Donna Carota) di Luigi Serafini, Milano Expo 2015 Eataly
“Persephone C.” Alias Donna Carota, di Luigi Serafini Milano Expo 2015. Eataly. Realizzata da Plastikart Studio “Persefone era figlia di Demetra e Zeus, secondo un’altra leggenda di Zeus e della dea omonima del fiume...
Set 12 |
dinamics robotics - automations, human reconstruction - ricostruzione umana, scenography - scenografia, special effect - make up, theatre - teatro |
PlastikArtStudio |
Commenti disabilitati su Neither Romeo Castellucci
Neither, Romeo Castellucci. Ruhr Triennale, Bochum, Jahrhunderthalle. Germany. 2014 Construction of the train, masks, props, sculptures, automations, special effects: Plastikart Studio, Giovanna Amoroso & Istvan Zimmermann Hyper-realistic...
Set 24 |
human reconstruction - ricostruzione umana, museum - allestimento museale, plastic art - visual art, special effect - make up |
PlastikArtStudio |
Commenti disabilitati su Human Reconstruction
Human Reconstruction – Ricostruzione Umana Plastikart since 1995, sculptures, hyper-realistic reconstruction, (silicon rubber, fibreglass, wax) sculture iperrealiste (gomma sliconica, vetroresina, cera) ...
Set 1 |
human reconstruction - ricostruzione umana, movies - film, plastic art - visual art, scenography - scenografia, special effect - make up |
PlastikArtStudio |
Commenti disabilitati su Zapruder Film Makers Group
Zapruder Film Makers Group COCK-CROW 2009 La Biennale di Venezia, 66° Mostra Internazionale dArte Cinematografica Plastikart: special effects, make up.  ...
Lug 6 |
art gallery - urban installation, dinamics robotics - automations, for fashion - per moda, museum - allestimento museale, plastic art - visual art, scenography - scenografia |
PlastikArtStudio |
Commenti disabilitati su Loris Cecchini Works made by Plastikart Studio
Works Loris Cecchini, made by Plastikart Studio. < Plastikart since 2000, sculptures (fiberglass & rubber), automations.  ...
Lug 5 |
art gallery - urban installation, dinamics robotics - automations, human reconstruction - ricostruzione umana, museum - allestimento museale, plastic art - visual art, scenography - scenografia, special effect - make up |
PlastikArtStudio |
Commenti disabilitati su Works of Luigi Serafini
Works of Luigi Serafini, made by Plastikart Studio, Plastikart Realizza (dal 2003) le opere d’arte; sculture ed automazioni dell’artista Luigi Serafini. Plastikart Studio since 2003, sculptures, automations  ...
Giu 11 |
plastic art - visual art, scenography - scenografia, special effect - make up, theatre - teatro |
PlastikArtStudio |
Commenti disabilitati su Marzo. Dewey Dell
Marzo. Dewey Dell. 2013. with Kuro Tanino & Yuichi Yokoyama, Japan (http://www.deweydell.com/?cat=10&lang=en) Plastikart: masks, prosthesis  ...
Gen 5 |
dinamics robotics - automations, museum - allestimento museale, plastic art - visual art, scenography - scenografia, special effect - make up |
PlastikArtStudio |
Commenti disabilitati su Museo Equi Terme e ApuanGeoLab
Parco Apuane, Massa Carrara 2013 Progetto: Arch. Maurizio Buffa, Stefano Camanni Arnica Torino. Plastikart: hyper-realistic reconstruction, automation...
Gen 4 |
dinamics robotics - automations, human reconstruction - ricostruzione umana, plastic art - visual art, scenography - scenografia, special effect - make up, theatre - teatro |
PlastikArtStudio |
Commenti disabilitati su Hyperion. Letters of a Terrorist by Romeo Castellucci
Hyperion by Romeo Castellucci Schaubuhne, Berlin, Germany 2013. Plastikart: hyper-realistic reconstruction with automations...
Dic 6 |
art gallery - urban installation, dinamics robotics - automations, for fashion - per moda, plastic art - visual art |
PlastikArtStudio |
Commenti disabilitati su Louis Vuitton New Bond Street London UK
Louis Vuitton New Bond Street London UK Peter Marino Architect NY-USA Uli Wagner Architect NY-USA Plastikart: sculptures and automation. 2010/11 Mechanized planets (diam150cm): orbital movement diam400cm, rotation movement. Made: fiberglass chrome,...